08-08-2015, 07:38 PM
Important Notes To Read Before You Apply To Keine Neuen
Make sure you have read our >>>About Page<<< as well as our >>>Guild Behavior Policy Page<<<.
For an up to date reference of what classes we currently have a need for, please read our >>>Open Recruitment page<<<.
For an explanation of the different ranks in Keine Neuen, please read our >>>Guild Rank Explanation Page.<<<
Note Regarding Your Application Answers: Please take your time with this application form. We appreciate quality applications that show that the applicant really understands what this guild is about (meaning that people have actually read our About Page) and that they take pride in their character and are willing to spend the time making an application worthwhile to read (hint: one line answers do not indicate that a person has taken the time to make their application worth reading). Thanks!
Note For Those Applying As Social Members: If you applying to KN as a Social Member, please specify that you are looking to join KN as a Social Member in your Application. Make sure that you have read our Guild Ranks Page as well as our About Page and that you can demonstrate that you clearly understand what this guild is like and about as well as what the role of a Social Member involves. Thanks!
How To Apply To Keine Neuen: You have three options for how to apply to us.
You can create an account here and post your application here in our application forum. To create an account on this forum, please use your main character's name as your forum name and wait until your account is activated by e-mail. Once your account is activated, you can then log onto our forums and post your application to this forum by making a new thread.
- or - You can submit a private application by sending an email to applications@keineneuen.com
- or - You can fill out THIS FORM: https://goo.gl/forms/t9ndnomoMlXEOuH92
Please be sure to use one of our Application Templates below (raider and social) for your application.
>> RAIDER Application Template <<
>> SOCIAL Application Template <<
Make sure you have read our >>>About Page<<< as well as our >>>Guild Behavior Policy Page<<<.
For an up to date reference of what classes we currently have a need for, please read our >>>Open Recruitment page<<<.
For an explanation of the different ranks in Keine Neuen, please read our >>>Guild Rank Explanation Page.<<<
Note Regarding Your Application Answers: Please take your time with this application form. We appreciate quality applications that show that the applicant really understands what this guild is about (meaning that people have actually read our About Page) and that they take pride in their character and are willing to spend the time making an application worthwhile to read (hint: one line answers do not indicate that a person has taken the time to make their application worth reading). Thanks!
Note For Those Applying As Social Members: If you applying to KN as a Social Member, please specify that you are looking to join KN as a Social Member in your Application. Make sure that you have read our Guild Ranks Page as well as our About Page and that you can demonstrate that you clearly understand what this guild is like and about as well as what the role of a Social Member involves. Thanks!
How To Apply To Keine Neuen: You have three options for how to apply to us.
You can create an account here and post your application here in our application forum. To create an account on this forum, please use your main character's name as your forum name and wait until your account is activated by e-mail. Once your account is activated, you can then log onto our forums and post your application to this forum by making a new thread.
- or - You can submit a private application by sending an email to applications@keineneuen.com
- or - You can fill out THIS FORM: https://goo.gl/forms/t9ndnomoMlXEOuH92
Please be sure to use one of our Application Templates below (raider and social) for your application.
>> RAIDER Application Template <<
Quote:Make sure to answer ALL questions!
1. Main character name:
2. Class and spec:
3. Link to your armory page:
4. Notable alts (name, class, and spec) who are max level:
5. Your First Name:
6. Age (must be over 21):
7. Location:
8. Your Availability:
9. Are you able to make the raid night based on our current schedule (Friday 7:30PM-11:30PM CST)?
10. We expect a certain level of raid experience/knowledge at this point in the game. This guild went through many tiers of content through BC all the way through to killing the Lich King in WOTLK, and completing the Ruby Sanctum. Many of us also raided extensively pre-BC. We aren't a starter guild, and we aren't here to educate people in the finer details of how to raid, or how to play their class. The knowledge of raid coordination, and just good old experience is really necessary at this point in the game. That said, what is your raiding experience? Please list your pre-BC, BC, WotLK, Cata, Mists, and WOD raiding experience.
11. What is making you/made you leave your last/current guild?
12. Why do you want to join this guild? Please answer this carefully indicating that you have read through our site and understand what this guild is about.
13. Are you willing to bring and use flasks, pots, and stat food when needed?
14. Please explain your raiding rotation including the use of spec, class, race and trinket cooldowns in order to indicate the knowledge of your class and spec.
15. Do you control your own internet connection? Is your connection stable and suitable for raiding in WoW?
16. Please provide a raid logs report (Such as AskMrRobot or any other parser report) that can show us how you utilize your class role/abilities the best.
17. We are currently not doing Mythic so this will not apply at this time, but if we were: We work with rotations for all raiders within groups (tanks, healers, ranged dps, melee dps) to ensure that each member of the group is getting rotated in the same amount as everyone else. This means that everyone does sit out at some point. How would you feel if you were asked to sit out on any given raid night if the raid was currently full? More importantly, how do you feel about rotations? (Please make sure to read this more detailed explanation of how our rotations work.)
18. The guild's focus is progression and this means we actively pursue Raid Achievements and Hard Modes. How do you feel about Raid Achievements and Hard Modes?
19. Hybrid classes: If you have a spec which you dual specialize in, what is it? Is this dual specialized spec something you are comfortable raiding with as well? If so, please detail why you picked this spec as your choice for dual specialization and let us know how much experience you have had raiding with this spec and if you have an alternate set of gear that accompanies this spec.
20. Our (non-public) forums are very active. We also use our (non-public) forums for raid sign-ups and for important guild announcements/strategies/planning. We have had people join in the past who would never log onto the forums which made absolutely no sense since it is the main place to find out everything about raids/members of the guild/strategies etc. If you join, will you make sure that you keep up with our forums and actively read them and participate?
21. Are there any future circumstances that would change your raid availability (school, life situation changing over the next few months, change in job hours, time to spend on the philosophical exploration of the meaning of life, etc.)?
22. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. DO NOT skip this question as social nature of our guild is just as important to us as the skill and knowledge of our raiders.
23. Recruitment is very important to any long lasting guild. Please let us know, how did you go about searching for your new WoW home, what sites did you visit, and how did you hear about Keine Neuen?
>> SOCIAL Application Template <<
Quote:Make sure to answer ALL questions!
1. Main character name:
2. Class and spec:
3. Link to your armory page:
4. Notable alts (name, class, and spec) who are max level:
5. Your First Name:
6. Age (must be over 21):
7. Location:
8. What is making you/made you leave your last/current guild?
9. Why do you want to join this guild? Please answer this carefully indicating that you have read through our site and understand what this guild is about.
10. Our (non-public) forums are very active. We also use our (non-public) forums for raid sign-ups and for important guild announcements/strategies/planning. We have had people join in the past who would never log onto the forums which made absolutely no sense since it is the main place to find out everything about raids/members of the guild/strategies etc. If you join, will you make sure that you keep up with our forums and actively read them and participate?
11. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. This is probably the most important question in a social app.
12. Recruitment is very important to any long lasting guild. Please let us know, how did you go about searching for your new WoW home, what sites did you visit, and how did you hear about Keine Neuen?