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Photo Heroic Emerald Nightmare ~ Il'gynoth
Posted by: Sinaz - 10-08-2016, 04:57 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

Eyeball Dead!

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Photo Heroic Emerald Nightmare ~ Dragons of Nightmare
Posted by: Sinaz - 09-24-2016, 09:27 PM - Forum: News - Replies (2)

Second Dragon Dead!

Not pictured: Duhhm. He was dead during this one also...

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Photo Heroic Emerald Nightmare ~ Nythendra
Posted by: Sinaz - 09-24-2016, 09:23 PM - Forum: News - Replies (1)

First dragon dead!

Not pictured: Duhhm. He was dead...

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  Classes We Need At The Moment
Posted by: figurine - 08-08-2015, 11:18 PM - Forum: Recruitment Information and Applications - No Replies

In terms of overall progression, feel free to take a peek at our >>>News section<<< for details. For other information about the guild or how to apply, see the additional links listed below.

If you wish to apply to Keine Neuen, please make sure you have read our >>>About Us Page<<< first.

For instructions on how to apply to Keine Neuen, check out our >>>Application Information Page<<<.

Feel free to also read our >>>Guild Ranks Page<<<.

>>>Updated 09/30/20<<<

Recruitment Needs: (Exceptional apps will always be considered no matter what our immediate needs are.)

We are looking for Heals and DPS, ranged preferred.
The class needs below are suggestions, just because the need is low doesn't mean we will not accept the applicant.

Death Knight: Medium (DPS, Tank)
Demon Hunter: Medium (DPS, Tank)
Druid: Medium (Heals, DPS, Tank)
Hunter: High
Mage: High
Monk: High (Heals, DPS), Medium (Tank)
Paladin: High (DPS), Medium (Heals, Tank)
Priest: High (Heals, DPS)
Rogue: High
Shaman: High (Heals, DPS)
Warlock: None
Warrior: High (DPS), Medium (Tank)

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  Application Information - How to Apply to Keine Neuen
Posted by: figurine - 08-08-2015, 07:38 PM - Forum: Recruitment Information and Applications - No Replies

Important Notes To Read Before You Apply To Keine Neuen

Make sure you have read our >>>About Page<<< as well as our >>>Guild Behavior Policy Page<<<.

For an up to date reference of what classes we currently have a need for, please read our >>>Open Recruitment page<<<.

For an explanation of the different ranks in Keine Neuen, please read our >>>Guild Rank Explanation Page.<<<

Note Regarding Your Application Answers: Please take your time with this application form. We appreciate quality applications that show that the applicant really understands what this guild is about (meaning that people have actually read our About Page) and that they take pride in their character and are willing to spend the time making an application worthwhile to read (hint: one line answers do not indicate that a person has taken the time to make their application worth reading). Thanks!

Note For Those Applying As Social Members: If you applying to KN as a Social Member, please specify that you are looking to join KN as a Social Member in your Application. Make sure that you have read our Guild Ranks Page as well as our About Page and that you can demonstrate that you clearly understand what this guild is like and about as well as what the role of a Social Member involves. Thanks!


How To Apply To Keine Neuen: You have three options for how to apply to us. 

You can create an account here and post your application here in our application forum. To create an account on this forum, please use your main character's name as your forum name and wait until your account is activated by e-mail. Once your account is activated, you can then log onto our forums and post your application to this forum by making a new thread. 

- or - You can submit a private application by sending an email to applications@keineneuen.com

- or - You can fill out THIS FORM: https://goo.gl/forms/t9ndnomoMlXEOuH92

Please be sure to use one of our Application Templates below (raider and social) for your application.

>> RAIDER Application Template <<

Quote:Make sure to answer ALL questions!

1. Main character name:

2. Class and spec:

3. Link to your armory page:

4. Notable alts (name, class, and spec) who are max level:

5. Your First Name:

6. Age (must be over 21):

7. Location:

8. Your Availability:

9. Are you able to make the raid night based on our current schedule (Friday 7:30PM-11:30PM CST)?

10. We expect a certain level of raid experience/knowledge at this point in the game. This guild went through many tiers of content through BC all the way through to killing the Lich King in WOTLK, and completing the Ruby Sanctum. Many of us also raided extensively pre-BC. We aren't a starter guild, and we aren't here to educate people in the finer details of how to raid, or how to play their class. The knowledge of raid coordination, and just good old experience is really necessary at this point in the game. That said, what is your raiding experience? Please list your pre-BC, BC, WotLK, Cata, Mists, and WOD raiding experience.

11. What is making you/made you leave your last/current guild?

12. Why do you want to join this guild? Please answer this carefully indicating that you have read through our site and understand what this guild is about.

13. Are you willing to bring and use flasks, pots, and stat food when needed?

14. Please explain your raiding rotation including the use of spec, class, race and trinket cooldowns in order to indicate the knowledge of your class and spec.

15. Do you control your own internet connection? Is your connection stable and suitable for raiding in WoW?

16. Please provide a raid logs report (Such as AskMrRobot or any other parser report) that can show us how you utilize your class role/abilities the best.

17. We are currently not doing Mythic so this will not apply at this time, but if we were: We work with rotations for all raiders within groups (tanks, healers, ranged dps, melee dps) to ensure that each member of the group is getting rotated in the same amount as everyone else. This means that everyone does sit out at some point. How would you feel if you were asked to sit out on any given raid night if the raid was currently full? More importantly, how do you feel about rotations? (Please make sure to read this more detailed explanation of how our rotations work.)

18. The guild's focus is progression and this means we actively pursue Raid Achievements and Hard Modes. How do you feel about Raid Achievements and Hard Modes?

19. Hybrid classes: If you have a spec which you dual specialize in, what is it? Is this dual specialized spec something you are comfortable raiding with as well? If so, please detail why you picked this spec as your choice for dual specialization and let us know how much experience you have had raiding with this spec and if you have an alternate set of gear that accompanies this spec. 

20. Our (non-public) forums are very active. We also use our (non-public) forums for raid sign-ups and for important guild announcements/strategies/planning. We have had people join in the past who would never log onto the forums which made absolutely no sense since it is the main place to find out everything about raids/members of the guild/strategies etc. If you join, will you make sure that you keep up with our forums and actively read them and participate?

21. Are there any future circumstances that would change your raid availability (school, life situation changing over the next few months, change in job hours, time to spend on the philosophical exploration of the meaning of life, etc.)?

22. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. DO NOT skip this question as social nature of our guild is just as important to us as the skill and knowledge of our raiders.

23. Recruitment is very important to any long lasting guild. Please let us know, how did you go about searching for your new WoW home, what sites did you visit, and how did you hear about Keine Neuen?

>> SOCIAL Application Template <<
Quote:Make sure to answer ALL questions!

1. Main character name:

2. Class and spec:

3. Link to your armory page:

4. Notable alts (name, class, and spec) who are max level:

5. Your First Name:

6. Age (must be over 21):

7. Location:

8. What is making you/made you leave your last/current guild?

9. Why do you want to join this guild? Please answer this carefully indicating that you have read through our site and understand what this guild is about.

10. Our (non-public) forums are very active. We also use our (non-public) forums for raid sign-ups and for important guild announcements/strategies/planning. We have had people join in the past who would never log onto the forums which made absolutely no sense since it is the main place to find out everything about raids/members of the guild/strategies etc. If you join, will you make sure that you keep up with our forums and actively read them and participate?

11. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. This is probably the most important question in a social app.

12. Recruitment is very important to any long lasting guild. Please let us know, how did you go about searching for your new WoW home, what sites did you visit, and how did you hear about Keine Neuen?

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  Hellfire Citadel Normal
Posted by: figurine - 08-08-2015, 06:58 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

We are currently running through Hellfire Citadel on Normal.

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  Our Guild Ranks And What They Mean
Posted by: figurine - 08-08-2015, 05:30 AM - Forum: Public Policies and General Info - No Replies

Officer: Officers run raids, hand out materials from the guild bank, manage rotations and DKP, maintain the direction and atmosphere of the guild, and address questions and issues that may arise.

Deputy: Deputies are raiders who have volunteered to assist with rotations, DKP, assignments, recruiting, guild bank management, and performance analysis.

Raider: Raiders attend all progression and farm raid content with Keine Neuen. Raiders go through Keine Neuen's application process to become a part of our core raid team. Each class within the raid team is subject to rotations with other Raiders of their class who at the same rank (Raider) as raids require.

Trial Raider : New members of Keine Neuen that have been invited as Raiders start as Trial Raiders. Trial Raiders have their raid performance closely evaluated for a period of time after joining Keine Neuen. Typically, Trial Raiders can expect an evaluation period of 10 full raid nights, during which guild leadership will chart both the performance of the Trial Raider in a raid environment, and how the Trial Raider fits in with Keine Neuen socially. Approximately 5 raid nights into their evaluation, the typical Trial Raider can expect a 1 on 1 discussion with a guild Officer or Deputy to answer any lingering questions, and to discuss any concerns that the guild leadership has regarding the Trial Raider's performance. At the end of the evaluation period, guild leadership will decide to either promote the Trial Raider to full Raider status, extend the evaluation period, or if the Trial Raider simply is not working out, demote to Regular Member or remove from Keine Neuen. Former full Raiders that return after an extended absence will typically start as a Trial Raider upon their return.

Regular Member : Regular Members are invited as friends or family. This is purely a social rank. Because it is purely a social rank, Regular Members do not raid with Keine Neuen on progression or farm content. If a Raider or Back-up Raider is not available for a 10 man raid, a Regular Member may fill their spot. Regular Members are given a chance at loot for 10 man raid content provided that no core Raiders or Back-up Raiders or Alts need that same loot at that time. Regular Members are subject to our Guild Behavior Policy just like every other member of the Guild. Regular Members must apply to KN and state clearly that they are looking to join as a Regular Member. Should a Regular Member decide they may wish to raid with Keine Neuen, they must go through the same application process as Keine Neuen's raiding roster. They are subject to the same expectations (should they apply for a raiding position) in terms of experience , gear , role expectations and need for the role they may be looking to fill at that time.

Alt : Keine Neuen allows all guild members to have their alts in the guild.


Keine Neuen is a progression Raid Guild first and foremost. For full details about us, please read our About Page.

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  A Little Bit About Keine Neuen
Posted by: figurine - 08-08-2015, 05:29 AM - Forum: Public Policies and General Info - No Replies

Keine Neuen is a well established 21+ PvE raiding guild for mature working adults and college students that formed on Mal'Ganis (a PvP server in CST time with most of the guild in CST/EST) in September of 2007.

For our page on WoW Progress, click here.

Keine Neuen views raiding and progression as a marathon event rather than a sprint to the finish line. We have focused our efforts on building a quality guild/raid environment to raid in and we are adept at using our raiding time wisely and efficiently. We have a desire to be in a guild filled with people who enjoy raiding with one another while pursuing raid progression. We do the best with the time we have and this is a major part of our raiding philosophy. The atmosphere is not full of tension and is laidback yet serious during raid time. Call it serious-casual or casual-hardcore if you like.

Every member of our raid team puts in what they expect to get out of each instance and encounter. This extends to preparedness for raids, whether it be having the correct consumables, resist gear for the content we are on, or having an understanding of the mechanics of the content we are currently on (or the content we are about to be on in a week or a month). We take great enjoyment in sharing information about encounters beforehand and analyzing raid encounters prior to attempts. This is very much a part of how we operate and has definitely helped us to tackle as much content as we have in such a short amount of time.

As a guild, we feel there is always a lot to learn and that we all can improve in one way or another. These attitudes and work/play ethics are ones we value highly and are what have helped us succeed.

We spend one night a week on progression content. Our current raid times are as follows :

Friday 7:30PM-11:30PM Server Time (CST)

Many people ask us how we get any progress done when we raid only 3 hours one night. The truth of the matter is that all of us really value our time and so we focus and do our best with the time that we have. We don't want anyone's time wasted. Invites typically go out 15 minutes before raid time.

We have many exceptional players who are mature, sufficiently competitive, and analytical in their approach to the game. At the same time, these traits are balanced with humility, patience and a good sense of humor. We tend to learn and move forward quickly. We also value players who fit with this guild on a social level. We all get along very well with each other; raiding is far more enjoyable when the raid team is able to joke around together, focus together, wipe together, and scream over vent with each other when downing new bosses.

The ideal candidate will read the following and think "That sounds perfect!"

  • You are looking for a guild and raiding atmosphere that is the opposite of what one traditionally finds in 'Barrens Chat' and most other guilds.

  • Your main interests are PvE progress, the thrill of downing new bosses, seeing new content, completing hard modes, the enjoyment of working as part of a well-oiled raiding machine and the temporary prestige that comes along with advancement. You don't raid just for loot or to gear yourself up for PvP.

  • You're planning on being around until you've beaten the current top-tier content. You're not here to "see how this raiding thing is" or because you're suddenly bored with Arena. You consider yourself a long-term PvE raider.

  • You have excellent knowledge of your class and desired raid role.

  • You are attentive, situationally aware, and have good reaction time. This means you know how to move out of AoEs, switch targets fast, not explode in the raid, etc.

  • You really enjoy your class and desired raid role. For example, if you're a healer, you love to heal, and you are sure this is not going to change.

  • You possess a lot of patience.

  • You aren't fickle. We may not go as fast or slow as you'd like or use the "perfect" raid makeup that you envision, and you are OK with this.

  • You're prepared to wipe. A lot. You realize that learning a boss encounter will involve learning and wiping.

  • You read up on encounters beforehand.

  • You're specced for PvE, and plan to stay that way.

  • Your gem choices and talent choices reflect your dedication to raid progression.

  • You're able to show up on time and stay for the whole raid. If for some reason you cannot make it or will be late on a particular day, you should tell us in advance.

  • You're not playing on a traded, bought or shared account. If we find out that you are, you'll be kicked without question.

  • You're able to follow instructions.

  • You're willing to take constructive criticism (not abuse. We don't do abuse). You're also willing to try to learn from your mistakes.

  • You're able to use Ventrilo. You don't have to talk, only be able to hear.

  • You've got a decent computer and stable Internet connection. If you lag or disconnect constantly, you should probably fix your technical issues before applying.

If you are looking for a guild like this, rather than a guild which takes anyone and everyone, then we are definitely the guild for you and would love to meet you and potentially invite you to raid with us and experience new content.

Other important information:

>>>Click here to see what Classes we currently need.<<<

>>>Click here for instructions on how to apply to Keine Neuen.<<<

>>>Click here to read about our Progression and Boss Kills.<<<

>>>Click here to read The Guild Behavior Policy.<<<

>>>Click here for an explanation of our Guild Ranks.<<<

As a member, you are required to read our (non-public) forums to keep up with what is going on with the guild. Participation is really key for us.

Applicants should be over 21. People who don't have control over their schedule, ability to use their computer or Internet connection, or ability to pay for WoW should steer clear of Keine Neuen. This guild largely consists of college students and working adults who don't enjoy having our time wasted (and neither should you).

As such, we try to maintain a civil, respectful, mature, and bigotry-free environment; people who desire a trash-talking guild should go elsewhere. If there is any unhappiness with how the guild functions or a player's role in the guild, we encourage discussion first and then if needed that we both move on (the guild and the player) and go our separate ways since as adults we believe that time is important and just like with any other relationship/team environment, everyone involved should want to be involved and be happy with their involvement and how things function.

Applicants should be able to string together a coherent, intelligible sentence; if your typing resembles someone rolling their face across a keyboard, this is not the place for you. Keine Neuen is an equal-opportunity raid guild; typical immature gamer prejudices are not tolerated here.

As a member, you are required to read our (non-public) forums to keep up with what is going on with the guild. Participation is really key for us.

A positive attitude is required; people who whine or are dramatic should stay far, far away! People who help create an antagonistic or negative atmosphere absolutely should not apply.

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  Guild Behavior Policy
Posted by: figurine - 08-08-2015, 05:26 AM - Forum: Public Policies and General Info - No Replies

For the people who applied to us outright and read our charter, one of the main things that attracted/attracts a lot of people who have come into this guild or are thinking of joining the guild and the core reason we made this guild aside from raid progression was this:

As such, we try to maintain a civil, respectful, mature, and bigotry-free environment; people who desire a trash-talking guild should go elsewhere. Applicants should be able to string together a coherent, intelligible sentence; if your typing resembles someone rolling their face across a keyboard, this is not the place for you. Keine Neuen is an equal-opportunity raid guild; typical immature gamer prejudices are not tolerated here.

What this also means is that many of us are into keeping a guild that is free of the immaturity and disrespect prevalent in most guild chats and also in most raids. Think about what you're saying before you say/type it.

We do not have a 'no profanity' rule. We are adults, we swear in real life, some amount of profanity is normal! But, on that note, if 'fuck' (or whatever else, you get the point Big Grin is the word which frequently flows from your fingers and you cannot type a single sentence without profanity/swearing, this will not fly here in this type of guild.

Most of us are older than the typical WoW player and that being the case are all for respect in terms of how we approach conversation in guild. The guild is not a private high school locker room. There is zero need for gobs of profanity or even repeated use of awkward sexual innuendo. Racism will not be tolerated either, racist slang has no place in this guild. There's a simple guideline for expected behavior to use as a reference: "act like it's a workplace". No, this does not mean, we think this game is like a *job*. Far from it. It does however mean that the same respect you would show in a work environment to your co-workers who you spend many hours with, you should also show in guild chat/over voice chat.

All things considered, we understand people like to joke around and have a good time! Our guild chat tends to have a sharp sarcastic, witty flavor most of the time Wink. Really, the key is just to try and think about who might be reading or hearing what you type or say before you express it. This has helped and helps to keep an enjoyable guild atmosphere for this guild.

If anyone has any problem with how someone is acting in guild, guild chat or in a raid, please take it to any of the officers first so that we can deal with it personally and privately since we want to keep things as drama free as possible. If you're upset, don't keep it to yourself, tell us.

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