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Classes We Need At The Moment - Printable Version

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Classes We Need At The Moment - figurine - 08-08-2015

In terms of overall progression, feel free to take a peek at our >>>News section<<< for details. For other information about the guild or how to apply, see the additional links listed below.

If you wish to apply to Keine Neuen, please make sure you have read our >>>About Us Page<<< first.

For instructions on how to apply to Keine Neuen, check out our >>>Application Information Page<<<.

Feel free to also read our >>>Guild Ranks Page<<<.

>>>Updated 09/30/20<<<

Recruitment Needs: (Exceptional apps will always be considered no matter what our immediate needs are.)

We are looking for Heals and DPS, ranged preferred.
The class needs below are suggestions, just because the need is low doesn't mean we will not accept the applicant.

Death Knight: Medium (DPS, Tank)
Demon Hunter: Medium (DPS, Tank)
Druid: Medium (Heals, DPS, Tank)
Hunter: High
Mage: High
Monk: High (Heals, DPS), Medium (Tank)
Paladin: High (DPS), Medium (Heals, Tank)
Priest: High (Heals, DPS)
Rogue: High
Shaman: High (Heals, DPS)
Warlock: None
Warrior: High (DPS), Medium (Tank)